About – CGTTI
Vision & Mission
Strategic Goals
Educational Funds
CGTTI day Calender
The Ceylon German Technical Training Institute (CGTTI) is the foremost institute in Sri Lanka for the training of skilled technicians in the field of Automobile Engineering and allied trades. The institute was originally established in 1959 at the premises of the central workshop of the Sri Lanka Transport Board at Werahera. This was a result of an agreement entered into between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and Sri Lanka in 1958 to supply trained Technicians in the maintenance of the bus fleet, which belonged to the Sri Lanka Transport Board. The Institute was shifted to Moratuwa in 1974 and re-named as the Ceylon-German Technical Training Institute. It was originally set up and managed by a German Director and his German staff until February, 1976. Then its management was handed over to Sri Lanka, under a Director /Principal and local Staff. At present, The CGTTI comes under the purview of the Vocational Education Division.

Founded 1959
The Institute was shifted to Moratuwa in 1974. It was originally organized and managed by a German director and his German staff till February 29th, 1976. Then its management was handed over to a Sri Lanka, Director/Principal and local staff. The CGTTI was coming under the Ministry of Transport till April 2004. in 2004 this Institute was handed over to the Ministry of Skills Development Vocational and Technical Education. From November 2005 CGTTI was handed over to the Ministry of Skills Development and Public Enterprise Reforms. After that CGTTI was handed over to the Presidential Secretariat. From November 2007 this Institute was handed over to the Ministry of Transport. Presently CGTTI is coming under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skills Development.